Bird Watching in Hanoi

Bird Watching in Hanoi

Hanoi actually has no good place to go bird watching tour. However, spending some days going nearby Hanoi is a good choice for you because there are many beautiful places suitable for your interest

Cuc Phuong National Park
Located more than 100km from Hanoi, Cuc Phuong is a typical place that reserves a rich ecosystem of flora and fauna. The park has complex terrains and primary forests containing many mysteries and unique landscapes. The climate in Cuc Phuong is tropical monsoon climate, therefore, it creates a rich ecosystem of flora and fauna. There are more than 300 species of birds in this national park. Come here, you not only an see many kinds of birds, but also a large number of other animals such as butterflies, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians, as well as beautiful flowers and old trees.

Bird Watching in Hanoi

Ba Vi National Park

Located 60km from the capital, Ba Vi National Park is one of the most beautiful protected areas. The total area of Ba Vi National Park is 11,372 hectares; in which primary forest spans 2,752 hectares. At an altitude of 100 – 1.296m of the majestic Ba Vi Mountain, with tropical and subtropical flora which are quite typical in Vietnam. Four seasons with green trees and fresh air has created a spectacular natural scenery blending with humans. Ba Vi is not only dubbed the lungs of the capital Hanoi but also is home to hundreds of species of wildlife, especially special 115 types of birds that will make you satisfied when coming here to discover the wonders that nature gives this place

Bird Watching in Hanoi

Tam Dao National Park
Being a large mountain with 80km long, Tam Dao National Park is about 75 km from Hanoi to the north. Tam Dao mountain range creates two distinct eastern and western slopes. The different annual amount of rainfall has contributed to the different climatic sub-regions. This is also an element creating two belts of hot and humid climate, tropical climate from a height of 700m – 800m and subtropical climate as well as some areas with different temperature and rainfall. All create a Tam Dao National Park covered by a layer of dense and multi-tier vegetation along with the diversity of species, biological communities, and ecosystems. The fauna here is also very rich with many species of mammals, amphibians, reptiles. Moreover, bird watching here is a not bad choice because this place has up to 239 bird species. Visitors can go sightseeing and enjoy a meaningful trip when arriving here