Getting Cao Bang from Hanoi

Ban Gioc Waterfall

The distance from Hanoi to Cao Bang can be divided into several different routes.
The first route (for automotive only) is approximately 240 km. From the inner city of Hanoi, follow the ring road No.3 to get to Thanh Tri bridge and then continue the journey towards Hanoi – Thai Nguyen route, afterward, make your way to Thai Nguyen city. From here you journey along the Highway No. 3 about 50 km until you reach Bac Kan province. Then you proceed towards Highway 3, go through Bac Kan city with the distance of 120 km until Cao Bang Province.

Pac Bo Historical Site
Pac Bo Historical Site

The second route for both cars and motorcycles is about 240km long. From the inner city you go towards the Nhat Tan Bridge, then continue the journey towards Highway 3 until you get to Cao Bang Province.

Tips: You should follow the traffic laws; go on the right lane and at limited speed. To avoid being fined, you should also study carefully the routes from Hanoi to Cao Bang and get the best preparation.

The price of ticket from Hanoi to Cao Bang is about VND 170,000 to VND 200,000  depending on the quality of the car.

As to Cao Bang, you can visit some famous landmarks such as Pac Bo cave, Ban Gioc Waterfall, Thang Hen Lake, Nguom Ngao Cave, Pac Bo Historical Site…

Ban Gioc Waterfall
Ban Gioc Waterfall