Hanoi Weather in April

[weatherlayer country=”vietnam” city=”Ha noi”] In April, you will continue enjoying the most beautiful days of spring when the weather is still considerably warmer and strongly windy. The temperature is about 21 to 26 Celsius degree during the month on average; however, its humidity reaches the highest level which is approximately 76% because this month starts rainy season.

Weather Data of Hanoi in April

March April May
Avg. high (°C) 23 26 31
Avg. low (°C) 18 21 24
Relative Humidity (%) 75 76 73
Precipitation (mm) 46 91 183
Number of Rainy days 4 8 14


Tips for traveling in Hanoi in April
No longer does this month have as many festivals as two previous months, but it still has some such as Le Mat Festival taken place in Gia Lam district to celebrate the slaying of an uncanny serpent during the reign of King Ly Thai Tong or the unique festival in Quoc Oai District, which is Thay Pagoda Festival offering water puppet shows as well.

Thay Pagoda festival usually occurs in April
Thay Pagoda festival usually occurs in April

Clothing advice
In terms of clothing advice for April in Hanoi, only a long-sleeved T-shirts and casual pants are enough for you to walking around Hanoi, but don’t forget take an umbrella to avoid getting wet from spring rains.