Hanoi Weather in March

[weatherlayer country=”vietnam” city=”Ha noi”] It is believed that Hanoi is in its best in the March as this month begins to become warmer and more pleasant. The temperature is kept at a temperate level, not too cold to go out with long T-shirt but not too hot to hang out with a thick sweater when its temperature runs from 18°C to 23°C in day time while the humidity does not vary much from February. The rainy days in March are not too much but the intensity of rain is little higher than the drizzle in February.

Weather Data of Hanoi in March

February March April
Avg. high (°C) 20 23 26
Avg. low (°C) 15 18 21
Relative Humidity (%) 70 75 76
Precipitation (mm) 28 46 91
Number of Rainy days 3 4 8


Tip for traveling in Hanoi in March

 The weather becomes warmer and more pleasant in March
The weather becomes warmer and more pleasant in March

Weather in March is ideal for exploring beauties in Hanoi; however, it is also the time for some diseases because of changing humidity and sunshine in seasonal transition period. Therefore, some pills of medicine in travelers’ suitcases are recommended in case of catching flu when traveling in Vietnam. By traveling to Hanoi in March, visitors from European countries can still avoid chilling winter in your countries to enjoy a cool weather in Vietnam. Also, you will have opportunities to witness many other festivals occur in March not only in Hanoi, but also Vietnam including Dong Nhan Temple Festival with human chess, lantern dance, particularly, Phu Dong Thien Vuong Festival in Gia Lam District with water puppets.

Clothing advice
Although the extremely cold weather in the winter has passed, a thin sweater and overcoat are still necessary for a trip in Hanoi at this time. Because of high humidity in this month, more spare clothes are recommended. Plus, don’t forget long-sleeved T-shirt or shirt to welcome some warm sunny days.