Hanoi Weather in June

[weatherlayer country=”vietnam” city=”Ha noi”] Since June, the weather has been hotter with the average temperature about 32-36 Celsius degree. Hanoi receives a large amount of heat because sunlight is from dawn to dusk. Particularly, it is extremely hot at noon when the temperature can reach 40 Celsius degrees sometimes. In addition, the high humidity (about 72%) also makes the atmosphere more uncomfortable. In contrast, the data collected in recent years shows that the number of visitors to Hanoi is increasing especially starting from June.

Weather Data of Hanoi in June

May June July
Avg. high (°C) 31 32 32
Avg. low (°C) 24 25 26
Relative Humidity (%) 73 75 72
Precipitation (mm) 183 229 225
Number of Rainy days 14 16 17


Tips for traveling in Hanoi in June
If you travel to Hanoi in June, you will have opportunities to enjoy some interesting and traditional activities such as boat racing, kite flying and doves releasing.

Hanoi Weather in June
The weather in Hanoi is hotter than previous months from June

Clothing advice
All sorts of summer clothes like shorts, slacks, skirts and short sleeve shirts are suitable for a trip to Hanoi at this time; however, you are recommended to bring a sunscreen to avoid harsh sunlight.