Hanoi Weather in July

[weatherlayer country=”vietnam” city=”Ha noi”] Generally, the weather in Hanoi and northern Vietnam in July is under the hottest days of the years, even hotter than the South of Vietnam. The very hot days are still dominating the whole areas in Hanoi during the month. Beside strong sunlight, there are also heavy rains, often in the afternoon, which makes Hanoians feel inconvenient. The total of rainfall in this month is quite high which is approximately 150-200 mm on average (source: National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting). Nevertheless, many foreign travelers are interested in the climate in the evening in Hanoi in July because of pleasant winds in the city. Hence, people can walk around Hoan Kiem Lake or West Lake to enjoy the beauty of Hanoi at night.

Weather Data of Hanoi in July

June July August
Avg.high (°C) 32 32 32
Avg. low (°C) 25 26 26
Relative Humidity (%) 75 72 75
Precipitation (mm) 229 225 296
Number of Rainy days 16 17 18


Tips for traveling in Hanoi in July
Owing to hot weather, no special events and festivals take place in Hanoi in this month. This is a time for beaches and sunshine, some coastal provinces are more interesting than the hot capital. However, if you are traveling in Hanoi in July, there are still a lot of things to do and see in Hanoi. For example, you can take part in a young group in sidewalks and enjoy “Tra Da” (Vietnamese iced tea) and discuss with them about unique beauties of Hanoi.

Hanoi Weather in July
Hanoi is under the hottest days in July

Clothing advice
Like the previous month, if you plan to Hanoi in July, summer clothes are your choices. Remember to take a rain coat or an umbrella for sudden and heavy rains in Hanoi.