Hanoi Weather in November

[weatherlayer country=”vietnam” city=”Ha noi”] This month is considered the last month in autumn, so the weather changes so much. The temperature starts to slightly lower about 19-240C in a day; the humidity lessen at the same time. Furthermore, the rainy days are reduced considerably with only 5 days and 46 mm of precipitation in the whole month. All these factors lead to the weather be milder and cooler, and a little bit drier. Maybe, it is a nice time for strolling around the city.

Weather Data of Hanoi in November

October November December
Avg. high (°C) 28 24
Avg. low (°C) 22 19
Relative Humidity (%) 69 68
Precipitation (mm) 146 46
Number of Rainy days 14 5

Tips for traveling in Hanoi in November

In fact, there is a few of festival in this month. However, if you love autumn, let’s take a tour in this month to feel different and unique beauties of Hanoi’s autumn and experience changes of seasonal transition.

Hanoi Weather in November
November is the last month of Autumn in Hanoi. It is also considered as the best time to visit Hanoi

Clothing Advice
Although you will see sunny days in November, actually, the temperature is still low, a thin sweater or an overcoat is essential for you. If traveling to Hanoi in late November, jackets and wool sweaters are prepared to welcome the colder climate.