Hanoi Weather in October

[weatherlayer country=”vietnam” city=”Ha noi”] The weather in October seems to be more comfortable and pleasant in comparison with September because of additional cooling wind blowing frequently. The temperature in this month dramatically decreases to 23°C at night and 28°C in day time. Hanoi’s climate becomes milder thanks to its reduction of humidity and precipitation to 69% and 146 mm respectively. Although the number of rainy days doesn’t change much, rains are not as heavy as previous months.

Weather Data of Hanoi in October

September October November
Avg. high (°C) 31 28
Avg low (°C) 25 22
Relative Humidity (%) 73 69
Precipitation (mm) 251 146
Number of Rainy days 15 14

Tips for traveling in Hanoi in October
There is nothing that can compare to taking a cyclo trip around streets in Hanoi’s Old Quarter under gentle sunlight in Hanoi’s autumn. However, it is the fact that not many interesting and big festivals in this month. If you are lucky, you can take part in Vong Thi festival in Vong Thi Pagoda with many traditional activities.
It is said that October is the best time to travel to Hanoi and provinces in north of Vietnam because of the favorable weather and decrease in prices of goods and services in the last period of a year.

Hanoi Weather in October
Hanoi weather in October is more comfortable and pleasant

Clothing advice
The weather in October seems to be the same to that in September, so long-sleeved shirts and jeans or sweat pants during daytime are highly recommended. In addition, a thin wind coat is good for early morning and late evening if you are not familiar with tropical climate.