Hanoi Weather in August

[weatherlayer country=”vietnam” city=”Ha noi”] August is the seasonal transition month of weather in Hanoi. The weather seems to be nicer, but it is still very hot. 27-32 Celsius degree is the average temperature in Hanoi’s August. However, it seems to be the month having most rainy days in the year with about 18 days of the whole month. That the humidity is not too high makes people more comfortable in comparison with the previous month.

Weather Data of Hanoi in August

July August September
Avg. high (°C) 32 32
Avg. low (°C) 26 26
Relative Humidity (%) 72 75
Precipitation (mm) 225 196
Number of Rainy days 17 18


Tips for traveling in Hanoi in August
This time is also the last sunny month for tourists to enjoy burning sunshine on beaches around Hanoi. One recommendation in this time is Do Son (Hai Phong Province) beach where you can both sunbathe in white sand beaches and see buffalo festival.

August is the transitional season in Hanoi
August is the seasonal transition month but the weather in Hanoi is still very hot

Clothing advice
Raincoats, umbrellas should be prepared to welcome Hanoi’s rains. And short sleeve shirts and shorts are definitely essential for a trip to Hanoi in August.