Hanoi Weather in September

[weatherlayer country=”vietnam” city=”Ha noi”] This month marks the ending of hot and rainy days, and the beginning of the beautiful autumn-the season of flowers and love. The weather in September is cooler and more comfortable than previous ones because it is the seasonal transition from hot summer to cool autumn. The temperature is lower than that in three summer months, but it is still high about 25°C to 31°C. The humidity is reduced considerably, along with its cool winds, gentle sunshine and clear blue sky created a romantic Hanoi to visit in autumn.

Weather Data of Hanoi in September

August September October
Average high (°C) 32 31
Average low (°C) 26 25
Relative Humidity (%) 75 73
Precipitation (mm) 196 251
Number of Rainy days 18 15

Tips for traveling in Hanoi in September

This month promises to bring to you many festivals and events around the city such as Vietnam’s Independence Day on September 2nd. In this time, the streets are always crowded and bustling the whole day with many activities and art shows. Visiting Hanoi in this time, you also get the chance to gain discounting price in shopping centers.
Another traditional festival is Mid-Autumn Festival (15th August in Lunar Calendar) taking place. The streets become more crowded and colorful with lanterns and children toys. Enjoying moon cakes in Hanoi definitely brings to you a new memorable experience.

Hanoi Weather in September
September marks the end of hot season in Hanoi

Clothing advice
This time is cooler than previous months, so cool summer T-shirts, long-sleeved shirts and long jeans or pants will be necessary. A pair of comfortable sport shoes would be proper for a trip in Hanoi at this time.