Hanoi Weather in February

[weatherlayer country=”vietnam” city=”Ha noi”] This month is regarded as the seasonal transition (from winter to spring) in the year, so the weather is better and warmer than that in January when the average temperature is about 15-20 Celsius degree. Nevertheless, it is still cold enough to make a favorable condition for a number of festivals as well as enhance your appetite. However, as it begins the spring in the year, the humidity rise to 70% in comparison with about 66% in January; and sometimes, it has spring rains.

Weather Data of Hanoi in February

January February March
Avg. high (°C) 19 20 23
Avg. low (°C) 15 15 18
Relative Humidity (%) 68 70 75
Precipitation (mm) 21 28 46
Number of Rainy days 2 3 4

Tips for traveling in Hanoi in February
If you are a fan of festivals, this is the best time for you to travel to Hanoi because February concentrates a huge number of big festivals, in which Tet is the longest and biggest one in Vietnam. Travelers will get an occasion to experience bustling atmosphere and crowded and colorful streets with lights, and many items in Tet holiday.

Hanoi weather in February
The weather is very cold in Hanoi in February

Spring in Vietnam is more coloful with thousand species of flowers everywhere, so it is easy for you to have impressive photos in Hanoi streets. Plus, there are some other typical festivals such as Dong Da festival, Lieu Doi wrestling festival, Giong Temple festival and Co Loa Temple festival.
Furthermore, one thing can be noted that although it is the ideal time for travel to Hanoi, the prices at this time are little higher than other months in the year because of Tet holiday, but I am sure that it will not affect your trip.

Clothing advices
Because of typical characteristics of climate in this month, beside thin coats, a small scarf, you should take an umbrella for roaming around the streets in the drizzling rain sounds romantic.